30 N Gould Street,Sheridan, WY82801
WizWrite is a platform that enables you to talk naturally to AI. This process leads to better content and more thought clarity. Level up your productivity today.
Signing up to WizWrite gives you a 5 day free trial. You will need to enter card details to take advantage of this. Plans can be canceled, changed or upgraded at any time from the dashboard. No friction, we hate it when companies make it hard to cancel too!
AI Actions are instructions that you perform on the transcript. This can be something simple like transforming the text into pirate speech or more business orientated like making a YouTube script, X Thread, Press Release or many other things.WizWrite comes with over 50 default AI Actions and users can make their own truly customized AI Actions to make the AI really work for your individual needs.
Yes, we encourage you to talk as we find that greater clarity and thoughts are expressed through voice but there is the option to type out transcripts and then perform actions on them. Using voice is not essential to using WizWrite.